The challenge was to draw attention to the release of Jockey’s new range and their sponsorship of the All Blacks during the Rugby World Cup.

Through our social listening research we uncovered conversations around superstitions and little rituals we do before important events – such as carrying lucky items that we believe will bring us good fortune, in the belief that Lady Luck will look kindly on us.

This insight sparked the #LuckyJockeys campaign concept – the idea that if you wear your #LuckyJockeys, good things will happen (like winning the Rugby World Cup).

The campaign was launched with the All Blacks during Fashion Week and seeded through a series of humorous videos on Facebook from the Alternative Cricket Commentary – a group of comedians including Jeremy Wells, Leigh Hart and Matt Heath.

A series of videos called ‘Rugby Commentary 101’ were released that played on The ACC’s expert association with cricket and positioned them as novice in the area of rugby.  Like fans, they were preparing for the Rugby World Cup by learning about rugby – dressed in their #LuckyJockeys.  Each episode featured Sky Sport Commentator Scotty J. Stevenson teaching The ACC in a school setting in a comedy skit.

The ACC’s popularity with young males, and their presence on Radio Hauraki, iHeart Radio, and Facebook extended our reach and cultural cache with this key audience, without ever feeling like direct advertising. The social content that ran on both the Jockey and ACC’s Commentary Facebook pages garnered high levels of engagement and strong brand sentiment.

The campaign was so successful it drove a staggering 14% increase in the sales of Jockey.